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Driving the economy every day

As noted yesterday, when you’re reviewing the Key Messages, remember that we still need to develop themes for the supporting facts — themes that show impact [preferably involving multiple colleges] on issues that matter.  The supporting material that follows is grouped around areas that seem to make sense, but we need your input.


Driving the economy every day

NC State provides results that drive the economy – bringing critical thinking skills and discipline-based knowledge to all sectors of society through education, dynamic discoveries, and solutions to real-world problems.

Fueling economic development

Producing leaders for the state, nation and world

$1 in state funding for NC State generates nearly $8 in total income for the state

Patents and products

680 U.S. Patents  (as of May 2010)

676 International Patents  (as of May 2010)

>110 better world products from lab to market

Start-ups and business incubator

The Technology Incubator has been worth $85 million to the local economy, by creating new companies, according to a RTI study completed in 2008

72 start-up companies, developed at NC State, representing more than $750 million in venture capital investment and more than 3,000 jobs in North Carolina.

Research conducted by students and faculty in the College of Engineering helped launch the highly successful North Carolina-based companies such as Cree, Red Hat, Nitronex, HexaTech, Silicon Semiconductor Corp., MiCEL, Kyma Technologies and many others.

TransLoc invented the transit visualization system (TVS) which provides real-time bus locations via the web, web-enabled phone (and working on an Iphone app).  Founded by NC State engineering/computer science grads, TransLoc started out on Centennial Campus as an incubator company and now has an office downtown.  I think they have about 14 universities under contract now; Harvard being one of them.

3Tex 3-D weaving (boats, big-rig bumpers, space components)

LaamScience manufactures masks that protect from bird flu, kills 99.9 percent of all viruses.

Business development

IES achievement of producing $1 billion in economic value in four years (2006-2009), plus 4,500 jobs saved or created (these results are the definition of economic development).

BTEC (Biomanufacturing Training & Education Center), on NC State’s Centennial Campus, is the world’s largest hands-on training location dedicated to biomanufacturing.  BTEC is creating the most well-trained, industry-focused biotech workforce in the world. More than 50 companies manufacturing biologics, pharmaceuticals and diagnostics are located in North Carolina.

NC State University has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Commerce to attract a variety of industries to the state, including Spirit Aerospace in Kinston and Fidelity Investments, which cited proximity to a reliable source of skilled computer science graduates for its move to North Carolina.

The NC Aerospace Initiative brings NC State researchers together with the aerospace industry, one of North Carolina’s targeted industry clusters.

Many top gaming companies have been drawn to North Carolina as a result of the NC State’s Digital Games Research Center and other highly regarded programs, and graduates have started new companies in the state. With more than 30 gaming companies located in the Triangle alone, North Carolina is now regarded as one of the nation’s premier game-development centers.

Industry support and extension

1,200 Extension employees in all 100 counties

NC State supports the state’s largest industry—agriculture and agribusiness.

∙  Agriculture is a $68 billion a year industry and employs close to one of every five North Carolinians.

∙  Animal agriculture (swine, poultry, cattle, and dairy) comprises six of North Carolina’s top 12 commodity groups. NC State supports the North Carolina equine industry, which represents $1.9 billion in revenues.

∙  NC State  interacts with more than 90 organizations that represent agriculture and various agricultural commodities, from tomatoes to turfgrass.

∙  Sea Grant research and extension serves the state’s aquaculture and seafood-related enterprises—an industry that generates over $100 million dollars in expenditures and revenues each year.

NC State supports the state’s two largest manufacturing (textiles and forest products) industries.

NC State supports tourism, the state’s largest service industry.

∙  CNR tourism extension program helps communities build sustainable economies.
Passion Rules!


1 Driving the economy every day HiceSchool Blog club university { 06.18.10 at 1:37 am }

[…] here to read the rest: Driving the economy every day HiceSchool Blog By admin | category: NORTH CAROLINA STATE University | tags: songdo, south, spirit, […]

2 TJ { 06.18.10 at 9:30 am }

In “Producing leaders for the state, nation and world” here is another place to tie in Campus LIfe with student leadership opportunities on campus (ex: Alternative spring break trips, Student Government, etc) that enhance critical thinking skills.

3 Eric Larson { 06.28.10 at 1:55 pm }

The Community Design Initiative by the College of Design has helped dozens of rural communities re-imagine their downtowns in order to increase tourism and retail sales. Projects are ongoing in at least a dozen towns around North Carolina.

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