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Homecoming. A day of reflection.

Homecoming is a great time of year on the college campus; any college campus.  Alumni return with their families to re live the “good ole days” and renew old friendships. Students cheer on the home team.  The local merchants make a little extra before the holiday rush.  Colors abound. Even the trees get into the spirit.  The band marches.  The parade rolls on. The team plays. The cheerleaders cheer.  Go Wolfpack!

This is my first homecoming at NC State and I’m soaking up the atmosphere.  Red — my favorite color — is everywhere.  Bill Blass would be proud (When in doubt, wear red.)  And the weather is spectacular.  Caught  a little frost this morning, but a red sunrise gave way to a bright blue sky. A perfect weekend for homecoming.

While homecoming is usually all about us, Doc Hendley reminded us yesterday that it’s also about others.  His Wine to Water program has helped tens of thousands live a better life.  The CNN Heroes event yesterday drew hundreds to the (red) Brickyard yesterday and Doc urged us all to do something for others. Even something small. Check out some of the things students at NC State are doing everyday.  http://www.ncsu.edu/csleps/

In that spirit, and because in my mind the red jacket could symbolize NC State, check out this video from The Big Warm Up.  http://video.bigwarmup.com

It follows the life of a Red jacket through the years, from one owner to another.  In a lot of ways the video reminded me of the impact NC State can have on someone’s life.  The relationship the university has with its alumni, the community.  The things the university does for others during every phase of life.  And it said a lot about the passion people hold for this place.  I can see myself wearing that same old red jacket for years and years.

So, don’t be afraid to type in your name on the web site.  It won’t bite and they won’t track you down and hound you forever.  Just a nice reminder of what this university can do for people everywhere; and the little things that we can do to help others.  Now where did I put that Orange & Blue jacket I was saving for an occasion just like this?

Passion Rules!

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