Time for comments
I was pleased to see comments about the strategic planning timetable in my mail this morning. Three actually. And you guessed it, all three were different, well, at least sort of different.
Comment one: “Looks good to me.” To the point, no ambiguity. I get it. Lets rock.
Comment two: ” Overall, I think the schedule could work, but I am concerned about faculty input.” Ah, faculty input. Faculty do have a lot on their plates and timing could be a factor. That’s why we’re starting to let people know today what we want to accompllish by next April or May. We’ll use the www.hiceschool.com blog to provide updates, email, large and small group meetings, etc., to keep people in the loop. We also plan to include several faculty members on the various committees being created to work on the plan. Faculty must be involved in order to create a realistic plan and I hope these measures and any others we can think of will encourage that participation and awareness from faculty.
Comment three: “Given the new senior staff that will be joining the university later this academic year, your timetable may be too aggressive. Will the new Chancellor and Provost have an opportunity to participate in the process?” Good question and I would say they will definitely play an important role in the strategic communications plan but that will come later in the process. But we can’t wait until those positions are filled to begin our work. A good strategic planning process should actually make it easier for them to slide into life at NC State. As part of the process we will spell out — literally spell out — the key goals and objectives for the university from a communications standpoint. We will include an action plan for disseminating those messages and we will explain how it will all work. We may also delve into ways to improve the efficiency of the communications process. Not sure exactly how we’ll be doing all this, but it seems that issues like this must be considered as part of the strategic communications plan. If they are not in the mix, it’s not a true strategic plan.
I know we’re just beginning, but please keep your thoughts and suggestions coming. Check out what our peers are doing. We’re not that different than other land grant universities. My former home, UF, is very similar to us and I plan to use a lot of the materials created in Gainesville to help us through the process. Through the examination of others, they will help us focus and fine tune. And before you know it, a long-term strategic communications plan will emerge.
Almost forgot to mention that today will be the last “one-of-100” post for about a week. I’m headed to California tonight for a motorcycle fix. You know, wind in your hair, sun on your face, “live to ride, ride to live” kind of experience. Are you gonna miss me:-)
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