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Hices, Hices everywhere

Just got back from Cherry Log where we attended the funeral of our amazing Aunt, Rettie Thompson Hice, age 99.

Rock Creek Baptist was packed and two of the three ministers preaching were family members.  There were literally, hundreds of relatives.  Rettie was raised in the day when you had kids, lots of them. Four daughters and two sons are still with us. And from them, dozens of nieces and nephews for us, grand children and great grandchildren for her.  Might have even been a great great or two (more like six) running around.

Most, but not all, still live in Georgia.

When things like this happen you tend to notice how things have changed.  The old house that sat on the side of Ga. 5, is still there, but moved back from the highway (two lane then, four lane divided now.)  The new Hice residence is set into the side of the mountain, almost invisible from the road.

The old barn stands but there is a road (Hice Lane) through the pasture.  Grand Pa and Grand Ma’s house down the way is falling down and overgrown.  Photogenic to be sure, but you wouldn’t want to walk there.  The old barn is gone beneath the trees and shrubs.  The chicken coop, outhouse, root cellar, long gone.

Yep, things have changed during Rettie’s lifetime, especially in Cherry Log, GA. Can you imagine what life must have been like in 1914 up in those mountains?

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